PyData Amsterdam 2023

Cor Zuurmond

Cor improves business processes with data.

With a background in physics and an MSc in data science, he is well-versed in various tools and practices. Cor understands, on a fundamental level, the techniques that he applies. He converts questions into automated and optimized processes. Simply put: Cor believes that actions lead to insights more often than insights lead to actions.

After laying out a solid data engineering foundation, Cor applies AI techniques to give every project or product an unrivaled edge. He loves to automate solutions to turn your most daunting business challenges into a walk in the park.

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Minimizing the Data Mesh Mess
Cor Zuurmond

This talk delves into the topic of minimizing the Data Mesh mess. We will explore practical strategies and a data platform architecture for effectively governing and managing data within a decentralized data setup. We can balance decentralization and maintaining data quality by imposing a few constraints. The takeaways of this talk are drawn from the data platform at Enza Zaden.
