Wesley Boelrijk
Wesley is the Lead Machine Learning Engineer at Xccelerated (part of Xebia). There, he trains and guides junior-to-medior ML Engineers in Xccelerated's one-year program. Besides that, he works as an MLE on various projects, recently at KLM, ProRail, and Port of Rotterdam. In his free time, he likes to stay up-to-date in the ML ecosystem and play around with computer vision.

In the world of computer vision, the focus is often on cutting-edge neural network architectures. However, the true impact usually lies in designing a robust system around the model to solve real-world business challenges. In this talk, we guide you through the process of building practical computer vision pipelines that leverage techniques such as segmentation, classification, and object tracking, demonstrated by our predictive maintenance application at Port of Rotterdam. Whether you're an experienced expert seeking production-worthy pipelines or a novice with a background in data science or engineering eager to dive into image and video processing, we will explore the use of open-source tools to develop and deploy computer vision applications.