Maryam Miradi
Maryam Miradi is AI and Data Science Lead at Transactie Monitoring Nederland (TMNL). She has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning, specialised in NLP and Computer Vision from Delft University of Technology. The last 15 years, she has developed different AI solutions for Organisations such as Ahold-Delhaize, Belastingdienst, Alliander, Stedin and ABN AMRO

Deepfakes, a form of synthetic media where a person's image or video is seamlessly replaced using Generative AI like GANs, have recieved significant attention. This talk aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of deepfakes, covering their creation process, positive and negative effects, development pace, and tools for detection. By the end of the presentation, attendees will be equipped with how to create and detect deepfakes, a deep understanding of the technology and its impact.