Kemal Tugrul Yesilbek
Kemal is a Technical Lead in a data science team at ABN AMRO. He studied software engineering and machine learning. During his time in academia, he published machine learning solutions approaching human-level performance. Kemal started his career as a data scientist. He founded, a skill assessment tool for data-driven roles, which resulted in an exit. He worked as a machine learning engineer in the past years, delivering end-to-end machine learning-backed solutions. At his current role, he is the technical lead of CISO data science team of ABN AMRO, keeping the attackers at the bay with machine learning!

You are a data science or a machine learning engineering, and you applied for a position. You thought your interview went well, but still got a negative response... What might went wrong? In this talk, we will explore how things may go wrong from both applicant and interviewer side, and what can you do about it.