PyData Amsterdam 2023

Data Contracts in action powered by Python open source ecosystem
09-16, 10:50–11:20 (Europe/Amsterdam), Qux

This informative talk aims to close the gap between the theory of data contracts and their real-life implementations. It contains a few Python code snippets and is aimed primarily at data and software engineers. However, it could be food for thought for machine learning engineers, data scientists, and other data consumers.

Topic: There are a lot of ongoing discussions happening about data contracts. I would like to share with you some lessons learned from data contract implementations and show you some Python examples.

Audience: data and software engineers; potentially could be interesting for machine learning engineers, data scientists, and other data consumers. Some affinity with Pandas, Great Expectations, and Open Table Formats are desirable.

Type: Informative with some hands-on examples

Main takeaways:
- better understanding of the data contracts concept
- tips for batch data contracts implementations
- tips for streaming data contracts implementations

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected

Alyona Galyeva is an organizer of PyLadies Amsterdam, co-organizer of MLOps and Crafts, Microsoft AI MVP and Principal Engineer at Thoughtworks
Observe - Optimize - Learn - Repeat
Passionate about encouraging others to see different perspectives and constructively break the rules.
I found my joy in building, optimizing, and deploying end-to-end AI and Data Engineering Solutions.